Membrane Biophysics and NMR

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Fluorescence Spectroscopy

We have access to two spectrofluorometers (Fluorolog-3.22, HORIBA Scientific) located on the campus of Esplanade. They are equipped with high power Xe lamps and PMT detectors that permit photo counting from about 240 to 850 nm. The systems have two double-grating monochromators (excitation and analysis) to minimize artefacts due to the light scattered by the samples.

        - Learn more on the Fluorolog-3 systems by clicking here.

        - The basics for preparing a sample and recording an emission spectrum on the Fluorolog-3.22.

        - Monitoring vesicles fusion by FRET.

        - Working with polarization.

        - Some technical documents on fluorescence.

Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectropolarimetry

The J-810 spectropolarimeter from Jasco is equiped with a Xe lamp covering the whole visible spectrum from near UV to the infrared. The detector permit acquiring down to 190 nm with good signal-to-noise ratio when the sytem is flushed out with nitrogen. The spectrometer have a maximum resolution of ≈ 0.005 mdeg.

        - The basics for preparing a biological sample and recording a spectrum on the Jasco J-810 spectropolarimeter.

        - Exporting and treating your data with DicroProt.

        - Some documents and articles on CD.

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)

A Zetasizer NanoS from Malvern Instruments and a Nanostar from Wyatt Technologies are made accessible thanks to Bernard Lorber from the IBMC laboratory (clic here for more informations). The two systems are complementary and permit size measurement of particles from ≈ 6 micons down to ≈ 1 nm with high accuracy. The Nanostar is particularly well suited for measuring the smallest particles while the Zetasizer NanoS is optimized for bigger size systems.

        - The basics for preparing a sample and recording a correlogram on the Zetasizer NanoS.

        - The basics for preparing a sample and recording a correlogram on the Nanostar.

        - Some technical documents on the Zetasizer NanoS and the Nanostar.

Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)

An isothermal titration calorimeter system is made aviable by the courtesy of Eric Ennifar from the IBMC laboratory. Please visit this website to learn more on system. The MicroCal iTC200 is a highly sensitive isothermal calorimeter dedicated to the study of interaction between biomolecules. It uses low volumes of samples and gives in a single measurement all the parameters of interaction between the ligrand and receptor .

        - The basics for preparing a sample for the MicroCal iTC200.

        - Some technical documents on the MicroCal iTC200.

Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy

Two electron microscopes are accessible at the 'institut des neurosciences cellulaires et integratives' on the campus of Esplanade. The facility is equiped with an Hitachi H7500 (+ CCD camera) experimental system for transmission imaging and an Hitachi S800 for scanning measurements.

        - The basics for preparing a sample for Electron Microscopy.

Mass spectrometry (MALDI, ES-MS)

        - Coming soon...

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