Membrane Biophysics and NMR

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Circular Dichroism

Switching the system On and Off

* (1) Open the nitrogen bottle and adjust de gas flow to 5 L/min mininum.
* (2) Switch on the J-810 system.
* (3) Open the water tab.
* (4) Switch on the PTC- 423S Peltier element controller.
* Switch on the computer and load the SpectraManager program, then click on 'Spectra Measurement'.

* To switch off the system : invert the operations.

Upper image : picture of the Jasco J-810 system.

Setting up an experiment

I suggest that you start with the following parameter settings :

* Channel Num: 2
* Channel #1: CD
* Channel #2: HT
* Sensitivity: Standard
* D.I.T.: 1 s
* Bandwidth: 1 nm
* Start: 260 nm
* Stop: 180 nm
* Data pitch: 1 nm
* Start Mode: Immediately
* Scanning Mode: Continuous
* Scanning Speed: 50 nm/min
* Accumulations: 10

Upper image : screenshot of the parameter settings window

* During the acquiring of the data the voltage applied to the photocathode of the PMT should not exceed 500V to ensure a good signal to noise ratio.

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