Fluorescence Spectroscopy - the Fluorolog 3.22
FRET experiment
FRET for monitoring the fusion of vesicles induced by membrane peptides :
* Prepare a suspension of SUV at 2 mg/mL with POPC/POPS 3/1 in your Buffer.
* Prepare a suspension of SUV with the same lipids supplemented with ≈ 1% of rhodamine labeled lipids and ≈ 1% of NBD labeled lipids. (visit
Avanti Polar Lipids for labeled lipids)
* Make a stock solution by mixing 5% of labeled vesicle with 95% of non-lableled vesicles.
* Adjust the excitation/emission of the spectrometer to 455 nm/465-650 nm, respectively.
* In the cuvette mix some microL of the lipid stock solution with your buffer and record a spectrum.
* Add some peptide solution into the cuvette and record a spectrum to monitor the changes.
Upper image : in blue; FRET for labeled vesicles in presence of the Vectofusin-1 peptide. In red; the same experiment with 3 times more peptides.