Solid phase synthesizer (9050 PepSynthesizer, Millipore)
5 L Fermentor (Biostat B, Braun Sartorius)
2 Incubating shakers, max capacity :
- 8 Erlens 2L (MaxQ8000, ThermoScientific)
- 4 Erlens 2L (Innova)
Incubator : INB 400 from Memmert
French Press, sonication chamber (Sartorius)
2 HPLCs :
Preparative HPLC : up to 50ml/min and 200bar (Gilson)
Semi-preparative HPLC : up to 20ml/min and 150bar (Bischoff)
FPLC (Biorad)
Spectrophotometers :
Uvikon 922 (Kontron Instrument)
Multiskan Go (ThermoFisher Scientific)
2 Centrifuges :
Avanti JE (Beckmann Coulter)
5804R (Eppendorf)
2 Rotavapors (Buchi)
Microplate agitator : MTS 2/4D (IKA)
Gel Documentation System : E-Box VX2 (Vilber Lourmat)
Gel Electrophoresis System, preparative and analytical scale (Biorad)
Autoclave (Fedegari)
Water purification systems for demineralised (RiOs, Millipore) and bidistilled water (MilliQ, Millipore)